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ERP原理·设计·实施(第4版) 中文pdf扫描版[62MB],这本书力求从务实的角度来讲述,让企业对ERP形成一个正确的认识,推动我国ERP 实施应用的 《ERP系统原理与应用》是一本关于ERP的电子书资源,涉及ERP、系统原理、应用等相关内容,在ERP类书籍综合评分为:8.4分,希望大家
ERP and MRP are acronyms for software technology that enables people to perform company processes. Both also refer to a completed implementation, or use, of software. ERP stands for enterprise resource planning, and MRP is short for materia Introduction By Thomas Wailgum CIO | Introduction What's the future of ERP? What kind of a silly question is that, you may be asking yourself. First off, predicting the future--especially in the technology world--is a fool's errand, best ha There is a lot of confusion when it comes to software terminology. ERP and SOA are very different but may be used in the same sentence when referring to enterprise systems, which adds to the confusion. By Dennis Bortolus There is a lot of c Open source software has gained a significant foothold in the business work and it is natural that CRM solutions are the next step in the process. Morsa Images / DigitalVision / Getty Images When companies are deciding on which Enterprise R