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22/12/2020 24/8/2020 12/9/2017 Windows Media Player is available for Windows-based devices. Use this table to find the right version of the Player for your system. (If you've got a Mac, you can download Windows Media Components for QuickTime to play Windows Media files.) *Calls requires a Windows 10 PC running the May 2019 update or later with Bluetooth capability. **Drag and drop, Phone screen and Apps access all require a compatible device (aka.ms/ypltwdevices) and a Windows 10 PC running the October 2018 update or later. 12/9/2017 Windows Media Player won't play Blu-ray movie because the protection. Microsoft lacks codec license to support playback of Blu-ray disc on Windows platform. You need to get a standalone (real) Blu-ray player or a third-party Blu-ray player app to play a Blu-ray on a Windows 10 PC. By the way, Microsoft killed off Windows Media Center in Windows 10.